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"Thank You for Cookies!"

Posted on October 06 2019

A Mother/Daughter Story.

"Thank You For Cookies!"

We are praying people. Two years into our marriage we were ready to begin our family and we prayed about our future children: that they would love God, get all our best traits and surpass us. We even prayed for God’s perfect timing. One year passed and no child. Seven years, ten years. During this time we opened our home to exchange students, travelers, family, and strangers.  And yet, I felt such an emptiness and sorrow.  Motherhood was my career of choice and I didn’t get the job.

Thirteen years into this journey…and all my sorrow became joy. So many people had hurt with us and prayed for us and now we all celebrated!  We named her Sophie, meaning “wisdom from God".

Our Sophie is our only…and she is perfect for us. I loved seeing the world through fresh eyes. Sophie has always delighted in nature and is so creative. She could always find fun in the mundane. Every stage of her life has been a joy to me and her daddy (though sprinkled with heartaches as well).
There is no one we would rather spend time with.

One evening, when she was little we asked her to lead the blessing before dinner. Sophie prayed: “Dear God, thank you for Mommy and Daddy (and the cat, etc.) and THANK YOU FOR COOKIES. HEY, ANYBODY WANT A COOKIE?!”

And now we have been married 40(!) years and she is a grown woman with a degree in fashion design, a wife, a lover of God and people, and my best girlfriend and true confidant.
For me, the best Mother’s Day present is being Sophie’s mom!





Life is full of "butterflies in the stomach" moments. For every exciting moment, wear a sense of adventure.



Is not being fearless. It's taking action through the fear. 


Sharing stories from our "CLD Ladies" leading up to Mothers' Day.
Make carol lipworth designs part of your special moment.


Tell us your Mom story using #CLDMoms on Instagram and tag us on Facebook.


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