One Woman. Four Men. I Wouldn't Change a Thing
Posted on October 06 2019
"The Greatest Job EVER!"

I guess you could say I grew up pretty pampered as the youngest of three and the only girl, to parents that by 1960’s standards were a little older than most. My brothers are 11 and 5 years older than me so they took it upon themselves to watch out for their baby sister. I had a fun carefree childhood with lots of neighborhood kids to play with. We did the normal stuff of kids then; spending endless hours outside playing whiffle ball, bike riding, going from one backyard swing set or above ground swimming pool to another until we were called in for supper promptly at 5:30. Being the youngest, I had no experience with babies and when I reached my teen years, I didn’t do much babysitting either, preferring a job at the mall like all my friends to watching over little ones.
Married just shy of 23, my husband and I were anxious to start a family right away. When I became a mom for the first time at age 25, I really had no clue what I was doing. I was a teacher, but had little experience with children outside of a classroom and absolutely none with a newborn. One of my most vivid memories was of my mom and me sleeping on our L-shaped sectional, she on one side and I on the other, with my oldest son in a bassinet between us. We hardly slept. Instead we peered over the side of his tiny bed, watching for movement and listening for his little sounds to make sure he was ok.
Fast forward (amazingly fast) to today, and our sons are 30, 29 and 24. Somehow I learned, survived and then some. My children are by far my biggest lifetime achievement. Motherhood (and parenthood) has shaped and molded me into the person I am today and the life my husband and I share today. Many of our friends we met through our kids, the town and home we moved to was because of our kids, the organizations I participate in are because of our kids, our weekends are planned around when we can get together for brunch or dinner with our kids, we talk about and plan for the future based on upcoming weddings and hopefully grandchildren. As far as I’m concerned, they are what life is all about. I didn’t pursue a high-powered career, but instead chose a vocation as a teacher because it kept me close to and available for my kids, but none the less, my life is full. One son is married and another is about to be married and I love my new “girls” like daughters. I’m so happy my boys have found someone to love them as much as I do.
My life is a success because of the three amazing sons we have and I wouldn’t change a thing.

The happy mom, Kathy, at her son's wedding

Date night with her husband in her Carol Lipworth necklace
Life is full of "butterflies in the stomach" moments. For every exciting moment, wear a sense of adventure.
Is not being fearless. It's taking action through the fear.

Sharing stories from our "CLD Ladies" leading up to Mothers' Day.
Make carol lipworth designs part of your special moment.
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